What are Co-Managed IT Services?

Co-managed IT services have been gaining popularity as they offer businesses more flexibility and control over their investments while still having access to expertise and innovation from outside resources. It’s a way for businesses to enjoy the benefits that come with having their own full-blown IT department without hiring more employees or incurring high costs. This type of IT service is a great compromise that allows businesses to have the best of both worlds.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss what are co-managed IT services, some of their benefits, how to find a provider, and more to see if this hybrid approach makes sense for your business!



Co-managed IT is a service where an organization retains ownership of its own technology but outsources all or some of its management. Most businesses that use this setup have their own internal IT staff, whether that’s one person or a full team. The co-managers work together to handle everything from network maintenance to data backup. Co-managed IT is a way for businesses to have the best of both worlds: the control and flexibility that come with having their own IT department, but without incurring high costs or hiring new employees.

Co-managers are experts in innovation. They can provide you with bleeding-edge technology not found locally, solutions tailored specifically to your needs, and the ability to test out new technologies that you otherwise wouldn’t be able to. Co-managed IT is a compromise that gives businesses ownership of their data while still taking advantage of the benefits provided by outside resources.

You, your IT team, and the outside IT company can decide on the perfect blend of services and management responsibilities based on your unique needs.



If you’re thinking about trying co-managed IT services, first determine your business’s level of IT maturity. If you know what you want to happen, have a specific budget in mind, and have the capacity for hiring more employees or reducing your workforce to make room for this expense, then co-managed IT could be right for you.

On the other hand, if you don’t know what type of service you require or are looking for assistance with a very specific IT project, it may be worth looking into an alternative option that isn’t a hybrid solution.

But if you’re already paying for your own IT staff and want to gain even more benefits without the hassle of hiring more employees, why not make things more efficient and give your internal IT team a helping hand?

These services give business owners an opportunity to gain the benefits of outsourced IT without having to manage everything on their own. Co-managed IT allows companies to focus on what they do best while outsourcing all or most of the management and maintenance that comes with using modern technology. Talk about a win-win!

Co-Managed IT Guide


There are many benefits to co-managed IT services. Managed IT service providers that offer co-managed services have a full team of experts in just about every type of technology. Your internal IT people can focus on their skills and knowledge base while still getting access to an outside company for support when needed.

Your outsourced IT provider can offer exactly the type of help you need, when it’s needed. If you would prefer that your internal IT team focus on high-level, strategic work, the managed service provider (MSP) can handle the day-to-day technology needs like maintenance and troubleshooting. You could use the outside IT company to help with large projects, or to deploy new software and hardware. Or, let your internal team decide what they need the most help with, and have the MSP focus on that.

Co-managed IT also allows organizations greater control over investments by letting them choose how much of their budget is allocated towards internal or outsourced expertise and innovation.

Most businesses even save money utilizing a hybrid IT support plan. You can hire someone internally who may not have a huge range of skills, but can handle everyday tasks and employee support. This person won’t require the salary that a seasoned IT expert would ask for. Then any high-level needs that are outside your internal IT person’s expertise can be handled by the third-party IT company. For the same or lower cost of hiring just one more internal IT person, you’ll have an entire team of technology experts who can handle any need.

Additionally, your third-party IT service provider doesn’t take vacations. And you’ll never have to worry about them suddenly quitting like internal staff! No matter what happens, you know you’ll always have your technology needs covered.



There are some misconceptions about what a co-managed IT service is and how it can work for your company. Because of this, many companies don’t take the time to learn about this type of IT service and what it could do for them! Here are some common misconceptions:

1) Co-managed IT services are the same as outsourcing

It’s important to understand that co-managed services aren’t quite the same as outsourcing. Outsourcing is when you’re transferring all or most of your work to an outside company. Co-managed IT services allow you to keep your internal team in charge of certain tasks while still getting the expertise and support of an outside provider.

2) Co-managed is only for small/large businesses

Co-managed IT services are for any size company! Co-managed service providers offer plans that can be scaled to meet the needs of an individual business. It’s all about finding a plan that fits your budget and goals.

3) Co-managed is more expensive than hiring internally

Most companies will spend far less than they would by hiring strictly internally. This is because most IT professionals are specialists. If you need someone to handle Microsoft systems and software, that person likely won’t also be able to manage your website. All IT is not the same, and you’re never going to find one technology wizard who is an expert in all its aspects. The average salary of a level-one technician is $50,000. That person will likely be tasked with handling your employee’s troubleshooting and technology needs, and keeping an eye on the health of your company’s infrastructure.

But what about cybersecurity? Backups and disaster recovery planning? Website setup and maintenance? New software and hardware needs? Future planning and strategy? Hiring multiple people adds up. However, a managed service provider typically has a team of a few to even hundreds of people depending on its size. For your monthly contract cost, you have access to that entire team instead of just one more person. Plus, you don’t have to handle hiring, managing, purchasing equipment, or benefits for your MSP!



Interested in using co-managed IT services for your business? Start by looking at the specific needs of your company. What do you want to outsource? How much work is done internally vs externally already? Co-managed IT solutions are flexible and customizable. It’s best to find one that matches up with what your business needs!

As a first step, reach out to co-managed services providers like Techvera. Get an idea of how they can help make things easier on everyone involved. They will be able to walk you through their pricing options as well as any contracts or other requirements needed before getting started.



If you’re looking for a reputable provider of co-managed IT services, start by looking up some reviews! You can try to find reviews on the internet, or do an internet search for the company’s name in combination with words like “co-managed IT” or “hybrid IT services”.

As another step, reach out to your company’s current vendors or clients and ask them about their IT provider. They may be able to give you a recommendation. If so, it’s worth talking to them about the specifics of their service and if they offer hybrid IT services.

There are plenty of other ways you can find a co-managed IT provider in your area, but these two methods should help if you’re not sure how to start!


If you’ve been wondering what co-managed IT services are, or if they might be the right fit for your company, we hope this information has helped. And remember that even when you hire an outside provider like Techvera as your technology partner, it’s still up to you how much of the work will be done in-house by employees vs outsourced through our managed service package. This means more control over budgets and costs than many other options on the market today.

You can also get started with us without having to make any big decisions upfront. Simply start out with an initial assessment where we’ll take a look at your current infrastructure and staff, business goals and needs, and plans for the future to see if we may be a good fit for a co-managed partnership. Contact us today about getting started!

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Written by Lauren Morley

Lauren is the Chief Marketing Officer at Techvera. She travels the country full-time with her husband and dogs. When she isn't coming up with marketing strategies for Techvera, you can find her playing games, exploring nature, or planning her next adventure!

July 6, 2021

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