How Can Companies Successfully Adopt a Hybrid Workplace Model?

Approximately 52% of U.S. employees prefer the opportunity to work from both home and the office. Seeing that the hybrid workplace model can have plenty of benefits for employees, it could also be the solution to the “Great Resignation.”

However, creating a hybrid workplace comes with plenty of challenges. Here’s what the hybrid workplace model looks like and tips you should consider for successful adoption.



Communication and collaboration reduce the need for a physical presence as workers continue to live in a digital age. Cloud-based technologies continue to evolve, allowing employees to switch from working in the office to being remote and vice versa. The hybrid workplace model takes effect as more companies allow employees this flexibility.

In fact, 73% of companies plan to implement a hybrid workplace environment for plenty of reasons. This flexible work arrangement may not appeal to some companies. Still, a hybrid environment can work effectively and reinforce employee retainment in most cases.



According to research, 63% of companies say employee retention is more challenging than hiring. Organizations can benefit from implementing flexible workplace environments because they stimulate office workers’ attraction.

Companies must think differently by reimagining the workplace. Features of attractive office space include collaborative workspaces and the elimination of assigned seating. While this feature incorporates less office space, better utilization emerges as employees work in a favorable setting.

In short, companies that adopt a hybrid environment will see a larger pool of top talent retention. However, some challenges may arise while maintaining organizational productivity.



The most critical aspect of hybrid workplace challenges is new policy placement. Companies that implement a hybrid workplace model must determine who should be on-site. Businesses guide employees’ reentrance into the workforce as offices reopen following the pandemic. Organizations may have to revisit policies over time.

Ensuring employee engagement is evident can also be a challenge in a hybrid workplace. The solution would be to invest in technology that supports videoconferencing, chat platforms, and audiovisual setups. Cloud-based technology can ensure companies achieve better communication and collaboration practices.


A successful adoption will require you to define:

● Where employees can accomplish work
● Which type of work requires in-person collaboration
● Who will benefit most from spending time in the office

To create a more fulfilled and engaged hybrid environment, start by implementing these strategies.

1. Establish a hybrid work policy

Determining the strategy of a hybrid workplace model is one of the biggest challenges yet. However, companies can start preparing by deciding how many days employees can work remotely.

Consider what limitations you’ll have since specific roles will hold a particular influence on these decisions. For instance, an administrative assistant is likely unsuitable for remote work.

2. Involve employees in connection and collaboration opportunities

Team isolation can become a significant issue for at-home work, so connection opportunities must happen regularly to ensure success. Full-time remote workers can come into the office for team collaboration and in-person projects.

Instant chat platforms such as Slack can also increase social interaction among employees while working from home. Videoconferencing can also allow the team to discuss projects and get to know each other better.

3. Ensure business leaders set the example

About 82% of company leaders plan to allow employees to work remotely for specific amounts of time. Managers must be on board and part of the process from the start.

Executives can take part in company culture by embracing remote work and working from home part of the time. Leaders working outside the office create certainty that an on-site presence is unnecessary. As a result, workers will feel less pressure to be at the office.



While the hybrid workplace model can offer employees and employers opportunities, planning and implementation take time. Expect for there to be a few hurdles along the way.

Migrating operations and rethinking many processes will require numerous adjustments for the entire workforce. However, you can ensure success by following up with staff and dealing with these difficulties one step at a time.

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Written by April Miller

April Miller is a senior writer at, where she specializes in business technology. Particularly, she enjoys exploring the impact various technologies can have in the workplace and how they affect companies and employees.

January 10, 2022

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