How Automation Impacts Managed IT Services

As businesses and organizations grow and embrace technology, automation proves essential for efficient operation. From operational to cost-related benefits, automation significantly impacts managed Information Technology (IT) services. As a user or provider of managed IT services, it’s essential to understand the various impacts automation has on managed IT services.



IT process automation automates IT-related tasks to address operational requirements or business demands. This process serves to streamline workflow, reduce laborious manual tasks, accelerate processes and productivity, and eliminate unwanted and costly delays.

If you want to manage processes remotely across different channels and multiple sites, you’ll need to automate them. Using Automate and similar services enables remote monitoring and management to reduce the recurrence of system glitches. Additionally, it lessens the number of on-site visits needed to sustain effective performance.

Alongside remote monitoring, automated managed IT services permit service providers to focus on their services by automating other duties, such as administrative billing and customer account management services.

More so, IT process automation contributes to standardization as it sets standards for aligning processes with business goals and objectives. This helps to maintain consistency and prevent chaos within organizations.



Automation impacts managed IT services in unique ways. Although IT processes are still one of the least automated business segments today, the integration of automation into managed IT services continues to prove advantageous. Here are the most common ways automation impacts managed IT services.

Reduces managed services costs

IT processes automation can help managed service providers improve the quality of their services as it appeals to their customers better by giving detailed attention to IT processes. They can streamline service delivery and multiply profits in various ways. By helping to get so much done with little effort and resources, automation saves the organization the cost of employing different personnel to handle other tasks.  Utilizing managed IT service automation reduces both the cost of recruitment and operations.

Lessens the risk of human error

Manually-operated IT operations are susceptible to human errors. Human errors can occur for various reasons and at different stages. The effects of these errors can sometimes be negligible or disastrous. Automation reduces the risk of human error by ensuring a bi-directional communication process that enables the control and advancement of processes remotely with automation tools. This way, IT operations are executed accurately without delays. In the case of an error, the system initiates a restart process to foster continuous IT service performance.

Improves productivity

By automating several IT tasks, businesses and organizations can achieve improved productivity across all levels of operations. Automation gives personnel more opportunities to focus on strategic and detail-oriented activities that require more human involvement. By taking care of repetitive tasks that consume time, workers get more time to focus on the areas of work that yield a greater productivity rate. Automation brings together the applications to keep businesses running effectively and productively.

Enhances proactivity

Another way organizations stand out in their industry is by thinking one step ahead of their competition. Adopting automated managed IT services is a proactive approach that gives a competitive advantage. Managed service automation enables better preparation in advance for unforeseen circumstances capable of interrupting operation and creating downtimes. Events such as outages and changes amongst staff can be better catered for through managed service automation. This way, organizations can provide superior services that are preferable to their counterparts.

Provides managed control

While automation takes care of minor and repetitive IT-related tasks, it doesn’t take control away from the management. Instead, it allows for managed control. Automated IT systems accommodate the inclusion of human checkpoints for taking decisions at different levels of the workflow. At these checkpoints, process managers receive current information that allows them to take the next step for the process to proceed. This way, process owners can ensure automated managed IT services give the exact results they seek.

Brings more value to customers

Customers derive more value from automated managed IT services through quality and real-time service delivery. More so, users of these services can get better services at lower prices. They can have more value per unit spent. The convenient operation of automated IT processes enables customers to meet their needs without waiting for too long. The efficiency of these processes also ensures the customers get exactly what they bargain for.



Implementing automation strategically in managed services can deliver significant business value in operations and outcomes. Users and providers of managed services can achieve a better quality of service through automation. At the same time, they could respond quickly to the changes in business requirements, thereby having an advantage over competitors. If you’re a client working with a managed services provider like Techvera, ask what their automation capabilities are and if they can benefit your business, too!

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Written by Lauren Morley

Lauren is the Chief Marketing Officer at Techvera. She travels the country full-time with her husband and dogs. When she isn't coming up with marketing strategies for Techvera, you can find her playing games, exploring nature, or planning her next adventure!

March 16, 2022

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