E-commerce Landing Pages: 14 Proven Landing Page Hacks to Boost Your Conversion

Imagine you are walking down a busy road that has some stores…

You are just viewing the shops from the outside and continuing to walk. Just then, a beautiful display of one of the shops makes you stop and you enter that store. That shop succeeded in inviting you to view it and the products inside. If the products appeal to you, then you might even become its customer.

It is easy to attract customers to a physical store, by setting up a good storefront. But what about an e-commerce store?

Can you attract customers in a similar way to your e-commerce store and boost conversions?

The answer is yes!

Landing pages are the storefronts of your website. They attract the audience and make it easy for them to find the content or the product they are interested in.

In this article, we will share 14 proven landing page hacks to boost your e-commerce conversion. But, before that, let us understand what is a landing page and why is it necessary?



The page on which your visitors land upon clicking an ad or a link is called a landing page. These pages are designed with a clear goal to make your customers take the action that you desire, for instance, the goal of an e-commerce store is to convert the visitors into customers.

Landing pages are designed according to the needs and interests of the buyer and then have a compelling call-to-action (CTA). The features of a landing page generally include a catchy headline, high-resolution pictures, scannable information, and customer reviews.

Let’s take an example to get a better understanding of it…

A person logs on to Google.com and enters the query: ‘best pepperoni pizza’. There are numerous results generated on the result page. He selects the one with the title ‘The perfect pizza in 30 minutes.’

After clicking the link, he lands on a page where he sees the same headline that was displayed on the search engine result pages. He also sees a similar picture. A discount voucher offering 25% off also catches his attention. Moreover, he is delighted to read the reviews shared by the people about the pizzas.

Now, the person has found the perfect place to order his pizza. His decision to purchase was further influenced by the discount code that was offered to him, and the social proof helped him to trust the business. He has multiple reasons to place his order.

A landing page made it possible for the business to convert a visitor into a buyer, in just a couple of seconds.



Now if you want to increase your conversions and change your potential buyers into your customers, then you must design an effective landing page.

The following are the 14 landing page hacks that will help you boost your conversions:

1) Include a clear call-to-action

Call-to-actions are like signboards on your website. They direct the user about their next step on the website favorable for your business.

If you want the customer to purchase the product, share your content, or sign-up for your newsletter, then make sure to add visible, attractive, and convincing CTAs.

Each landing page should have one CTA. More than that will confuse the visitor and he might take extra time to decide which CTA to select. By providing one CTA, the visitor will not have a choice and he’ll be able to focus all his attention on one CTA.

Use the following tips to make your CTAs prominent and effective on your landing page:

  • Your CTAs should be present above the fold i.e. the screen which he can view without scrolling down.
  • Use first voice for CTA text. For example, instead of using ‘Sign-up ’ you can use ‘Sign me in.’
  • Make sure to use the bright color of your CTA that contrasts with the background.
  • The font size of the text should be perfect; neither too big nor small.
  • Create a sense of urgency to speed up the decision process of your visitor.

If you want your user to take 2 decisions, then create 2 separate landing pages for it. Never add 2 different CTAs on your landing page.

2) Use high-resolution images

Would you enter a physical store that doesn’t have products displayed aesthetically on its storefronts? How would people know what’s inside the store?

The same is the case with a landing page. How would your audience know what product do you have that will suit their problem? Images displayed on the landing page allow users to view the product and tempt them to click on the ‘Buy Now’ button.

Use high-quality images that are similar to the ones displayed in the ad. Your image should appeal to the visual senses of your users and its background must be free from clutter. Moreover, it must be captured in good lighting.

Many small startups make the mistake of using free source images on their landing pages. If you too are one of them, then we would advise you not to. If the visitors have already seen that image before, it’s not going to hold their attention and keep them interested in your landing page.

Do not forget about the mobile users. Your images should display perfectly on mobile devices. Refrain from using pictures that are of low-quality or pixelated. It will not keep your visitors interested in your page.

3) Optimize it for mobile devices

It is high time for e-commerce stores to optimize their website for various digital devices and not only for desktop browsers.

Currently, there are around 10 billion active mobile devices in use. This number is going to escalate further. This means that businesses do not have to consider the display and design of their website for desktop browsers but, also for mobile browsers.

When you design your landing page, do not forget about how it will appear on mobile. They should fit perfectly to the screen without making the user scroll horizontally to read the content. The CTA should be of the proper size to make it easy for the user to tap it.

Pay extra attention to how the headline of your landing page will be displayed on mobile devices. If it occupies a lot of space above the fold content, then resize it to make it fit perfectly. Do not forget about the product description, a single line on the desktop can take 3-4 lines on mobile devices. Try to stick to phrases instead of long descriptive sentences.

4) Write catchy headlines

Your headlines are one of the most important features of your landing page. If it is unique and catches the attention of your visitors, then he might take a few seconds to view the rest of the information on the page.

Your headings should be short, simple, and easy to understand. Instead of raving about the product, it should highlight what benefits the visitors will get by purchasing it, or how they are going to receive valuable information if they sign-up for the newsletter.

Do not use complicated terms or difficult vocabulary that will not be understood by the majority of the audience.

5) Declutter your pages

The first hack for making your landing page effective is to limit the clutter on the page. Your landing page should be clear and easy to follow.

If the page is filled with long blocks of text, numerous CTAs, and unlimited images, then your visitor will get overwhelmed and might get distracted.

Your landing pages should include the following:

  • Concise and compelling headlines
  • Visible call-to-action
  • Relevant pictures
  • Bullet points for product description

The attention of the user on a website is 8 seconds. If your page is cluttered then your user’s attention would be distracted and he would not take the action that you wanted him to.

Too many elements will make it difficult for your user to find the call-to-action (CTAs), and he might move to other pages and forget about why he landed on the page.

6) Write user-oriented information

Just like headlines, your product descriptions should also focus on your audience. If you write a never-ending description about how remarkable your product is then your users are not going to pay any heed to it. They might even exit your page after seeing long boring text.

Use short bullet points to highlight the features of your product and how they will help the visitor to solve his problem. Adding 3 to 4 points is enough, more than that will make your landing page lose its effectiveness.

7) Select the right colors

Colors can play an important role to influence your visitors. Humans generate a natural response to certain colors. You must have seen many financial institutions use shades of blue on their website. This is because these colors are connected to the feelings of trust, strength, and reliability.

Similarly, red color is associated with power, desire, and energy. The sale banners are often designed in this color to catch the attention of the users.

By picking the right colors for your brand you can arouse particular responses and emotions in your potential audience.

8) Select easy to read fonts

How do you expect to take your user to take any action if he is unable to read the text displayed on the page?

You might be tempted to use fancy fonts that are cursive and delicate but refrain from doing that. Not only will it be difficult for your users to read, but a good majority of the users might quit the webpage and not even try to comprehend the text.

Use a font style and size that is easily readable.

9) Add videos

Adding a video is a great way to catch the attention of your visitors and appeal to their visual senses by showing the product and its uses.

Video has the power to convince 84% of visitors to buy your product. Moreover, it also allows the business to demonstrate how to assemble, use, or clean the product without going to any other page. A video can answer many customer queries that written text cannot.

Short videos are an excellent way to tempt your visitors to become your audience.

10) Use social sharing buttons

If you want more people to visit your landing page, then let your visitors invite their family and friends to your website.

A landing page that offers a discount code, or an amazing deal, or a bundle, then the visitors would love to share it with their social circle so that they can benefit from a discount too.

All you have to do is to place the social sharing buttons on your landing page. If your offer sounds appealing to your visitors, they will share it with other like-minded people of their group.

For instance, a business that sells exercise machines provides 30% off to visitors. The visitors will share it on their social media profile so that their fitness enthusiast friends can avail the discount too.

11) Display testimonials

Displaying testimonials and user reviews on your landing page will help the visitors to trust you. In the current era, people are less influenced by ads because they know that a company will only highlight the positive aspects of the product. 84% of people trust online reviews before making a purchase.

User reviews give an insight to the audience about the usefulness of a product or a service. You can keep text reviews as well as short videos of people sharing their experience with your product or service.

12) Create urgency

Want your visitors to act fast? Then create an emergency to do so. The best way to do this by giving a specific duration to avail of a certain offer, or by reminding them about the scarcity of the stock.

If your user is interested in your product he will hurry up deciding and end up accepting your offer. To make it more effective use the following words in your headlines and CTAs:

  • Limited Time Offer
  • Special discount for 24 hours
  • Limited Edition
  • Offer valid till the stock lasts

To make it more effective, try including a countdown timer. When the visitors see the time passing by visually, they tend to decide quickly.

13) Use exit-intent popups

You cannot stop a user from exiting the landing page, but you can at least delay it and allow him to reconsider his decision. Thanks to exit-intent popups!

The smart algorithms of the application sense when a user is about to leave the page and then it will send a targeted message before the user leaves.

The message will remind him about the offer that might convince him to reconsider his decision.

14) Speed up

The most important hack!

All the other hacks will be futile if your website is slow. How will you convert a visitor into a customer if he exits your website without even having a look at your landing page?

To reap the fruitful results of a landing page, ensure that your website loads quickly to keep up with the impatient online users. Did you know that if a website takes longer than 3 seconds to load it will be abandoned by 53% of visitors?

Make sure that your website loads quickly or else your visitors will become the customers of your competitors. Use the following tips to increase the speed of your webpages:

  • Compress your HTML, CSS, and JS files.
  • Optimize your images.
  • Clear your pages of unnecessary elements such as sliders, videos, and fancy loaders.
  • Get rid of unwanted plugins.



A landing page can help you to boost your conversion and increase your revenue. The above-mentioned proven hacks will help you to build an effective landing page that will compel the user to become your customer.

However, do not expect the results overnight. Apply the above-mentioned tips and tricks and work consistently to improve your products and user experience on your website.

Do you know of any other landing page hacks that can boost your e-commerce landing page conversion? Enlighten us in the comments below.

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Written by Ricky Hayes

Ricky Hayes is the Co-Founder and Head of Marketing at Debutify - free Shopify theme, helping dropshippers build high-converting stores in minutes. He is a passionate entrepreneur running multiple businesses, marketing agencies, and mentoring programs.

May 1, 2021

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